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Veneroso's Corner


About Frank Veneroso

Frank Veneroso is currently Market Strategist for the Global Policy Committee of Allianz Dresdner Asset Management and is responsible for alternative asset product development at Dresdner RCM. From 1991 to 1994 he was at the hedge fund Omega Advisors were he was the partner responsible for global investment policy formulation. From 1995 to 2000 and prior to 1991, through his own firm, Mr. Veneroso was an investment strategy advisor to global money managers and an economic adviser to institutions and governments around the world in the areas of money and banking, financial instability and crisis, privatization, and development and globalization of securities markets. His clients have included the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and The Organization of American States. He has advised the Governments of Bahrain, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Thailand, Venezuela and the United Arab Emerates. Frank is a graduate from Harvard and has authored many articles on the subjects of international finance.

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Gold Stocks | BC Mines | Costa Rica Mines | Suriname Project | Mexico Silver | Corporate Profile | Management Team | Site Map
Gold Information: Gold Institute | Gold Stocks | The Bullion Desk
Contact Information: 800 - 850 West Hastings St. Vancouver B.C. V6C 1E1 Tel. (604) 685-9700 Fax. (604) 685-9744
