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Trading Symbol  TSE:CCM

Canarc Announced Today That Placer Dome Inc. Has Elected Not To Proceed With Their Option
August 14, 1998 

VANCOUVER, B.C. - Canarc Resource Corp. announced today that Placer Dome Inc. has elected not to proceed with their option to earn a 60% interest in the Benzdorp property in Suriname.

Canarc holds the right to earn up to an 80% net profits interest or a 100% interest subject to a net smelter royalty from Grassalco, a mining company owned by the Republic of Suriname.

Grassalco failed to agree with the granting of the Placer option. Placer had offered to pay US$20 million in cash, spend US$3.5 million in exploration and deliver a positive feasibility study.

It is Canarc's intention to proceed with the exploration and development of the Benzdorp property as soon as Grassalco meets its obligations under the existing agreement.

At that time, Canarc will seek a new joint venture partner. Canarc has spent close to $2 million delineating several large porphyry and shear-zone hosted gold targets which are now ready for drilling.

Canarc Resource Corp. is a growth-oriented, international gold exploration and mining company. Production increased over 300% last year to 7000 oz. at the Company's Sara Kreek (80%) mine . Reserves and resources now total 2.4 million oz. at the New Polaris (100%) and Bellavista (18%) projects. Our large exploration portfolio includes a joint venture with Homestake/Prime. Major shareholders include Barrick Gold and Echo Bay Mines. The Company's common shares trade under the symbol "CCM" on the Toronto Stock Exchange.




     Jean Wolff 
     Press Secretary 
     Office of the Premier 
     (250) 387-1718 

     Don Zadravec 
     Executive Director 


Mining is a major contributor to B.C.'s economy, especially outside the Lower Mainland. The province continues to foster its mining sector to encourage investment and employment. 

  • Total mining-related employment* is approximately 58,000. 
      • direct employment approximately 16,700 
      • indirect employment approximately 25,000 
      • induced employment approximately 16,300 
    • There are 22 major operating mines and five smelters in B.C. 
      • 14 metal 
      • eight coal 
    • In addition, there are 
      • 30 industrial minerals mines 
      • 1,100 construction aggregate operations 
      • 500 placer exploration programs and mines annually 
      • 300 metal and coal exploration projects annually 
    • There are nine projects in the environmental assessment process 
      • seven new mining operations 
      • two mine expansions 
    • The value of minerals produced in 1996 was $3.11 billion (including construction materials) 
      • metals $1.54 billion 
      • coal $1.09 billion 
      • industrial minerals $44 million 
    • Mineral exports accounted for 13.2 per cent of all B.C. exports in 1996. 
    • Exploration expenditure in 1997 is estimated at $90 million.
    • Average annual expenditures in B.C. over the previous five years has been $84 million. 
    • Clean coal production values in 1996 increased by 13 per cent. 
         *Total mining-related employment includes exploration for and production of metals, coal, industrial minerals, aggregate, placer minerals and smelters. 

    The Mineral Exploration Code 

    Streamlining the permitting for mineral and coal exploration will: 

    • Simplify the permitting process for mining industry by creating a one-agency permitting process that combines the application requirements of the ministries of Energy and Mines, Environment, Lands and Parks and Forests; and 
    • Ensure accountability by setting timelines for the review and approval of permit applications; 

    A multi-stakeholder review of the Mineral Exploration Code will take place after one full season of operating experience to fine tune if needed. 

    The Mining Rights Amendment Act 

    The Mining Rights Amendment Act is intended to attract investment and create jobs in the sector by demonstrating government's commitment to the industry, assuring access to lands for exploration and mining, and ensuring appropriate compensation is paid for mineral tenures expropriated in order to create parks. 

    The Mining Rights Amendment Act addresses requirements outlined in the Mining Jobs 2000 initiative, including industry's requirement for access to land, security of title and an efficient and transparent permitting process. 

    Land-use plans may propose specific objectives and strategies to guide the conditions for access development and management, however, they cannot prohibit appropriate access to mineral claims. This is consistent with government's clearly stated previous direction and intent to the land use planning tables. 

    Significant parts of the act are: 

    • Assurance of access to mineral titles through amendment of the Mineral Tenure Act to ensure that a mineral tenure holder will be issued a special-use permit by the Ministry of Forests for appropriate ground-based access to his or her tenure, if the tenure holder also holds a permit under the Mines Act for mining activities and meets other prescribed conditions; 

    • Compensation for expropriated mineral titles through the amendment of the Mineral Tenure Act, the Park Act and the Expropriation Act to require that tenure holders are compensated when their tenures are expropriated; 

    • The permitting process section permits the creation of regulations to govern the permitting process for mining activities under the Mines Act, including the establishment of timelines for the processes. 

    Mining Advocate 

    Mining Advocate responsibilities include: 

    • Creating within government a positive investment climate for mining in British Columbia; 

    • Addressing issues directly and at a high level to ensure a smooth and efficient process for the administration of exploration and mining; 

    • Recommending amendments to statutes and regulations to encourage responsible mining in British Columbia; 

    • Facilitating resolution of mining-related operational disputes and permitting delays within provincial agencies. 

    Mining Exploration B.C. Tax Credit 
    • The government will introduce a refundable tax credit for mining exploration undertaken in British Columbia. The credit will be available to individuals and corporations for exploration activities in the province after August 1, 1998. Details of the program, including eligibility criteria and application procedures, will be worked on in conjunction with industry during the next three months. 

    • A working group will be established with representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the metal and coal mining industries to design the credit. 

    • The Mining Exploration B.C. tax credit will provide an incentive to the industry of approximately $7 million in 1998/99, rising to $9 million in 1999/2000 and future years. 

    New Mine Allowance Extension 
    • To encourage new mine development in the province, the new mine allowance currently provides for a one-third gross-up of the capital costs of new mines that begin production before January 1, 2000. This means that 133.33 per cent of qualifying capital expenditures can be claimed for B.C. mineral tax purposes. 

    • To provide further confidence for the investment necessary for the industry to thrive into the 21st century, this initiative will be extended for 10 years, to new mines that begin production before January 1, 2010.

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