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        New Initial Trench Results Confirm Broad Gold Mineralized Zone at Benzdorp Property, Suriname

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,                                                                        January 28, 2003

Canarc Resource Corp. (CCM:TSX and CRCUF:OTC-BB) reports that initial trench results from the JQA prospect area on the Benzdorp property in Suriname confirm the discovery of a broad zone of porphyry-style gold mineralization.

The bulldozer/excavator trenching program got underway in the fourth quarter of 2002 to follow-up on an extensive gold soil anomaly outlined by Canarc in 1996 and partially defined by 150 deep auger holes and three trenches in 1997.  Five new trenches have now been completed and results are as follows:

  From (m) To (m) Width (m) Grade (gpt) Trench
New Trenches TR97-02 extension 0 142 142 0.91
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  including 76 142 66 1.04
  TR02-01 0 146 146 0.80
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  including 42 111 69 0.96
  TR02-02 0 59 59 0.90
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  including 34 59 25 1.02
  PW02-01 0 17 17 2.45
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  including 10 12 2 10.87
  PW02-02 0 3 3 0.93
Previous Trenches TR97-012 0 62 62 1.20
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  TR97-02 0 76 76 0.80
  (still in mineralization at both ends)
  TR97-03 0 19 19 2.68


Trenches TR97-02 (extension), TR02-01 and TR02-02 extended the width of the JQA gold mineralized zone to almost 150 m still open to the east and west and extended the length to 200 m north-south.  Sampling of porknocker workings PW02-01 and PW02-02 along the west bank of Rufin Creek indicates that the JQA gold mineralized zone could actually extend a further 400 m in width to the west of TR97-02.  Further trenching to the east is prohibited by a hard laterite cap on the hilltop and prevented to the west by steep terrain and Pointu Kreek, so broader mineralized widths can only be established by drilling.

Clearly, the porphyry-style gold mineralization discovered in the JQA prospect area appears to cover a broad area and is open in all directions.  Trench TR97-03 lies 900 m along strike south from the main JQA target and could extend the overall strike length to 1500 m.  The next phase of trenching, to get underway by month-end, will target strike extensions to the north and south of the main JQA zone.

Canarc Resource Corp. is a growth-oriented, gold exploration and mining company listed on the TSX (symbol CCM) and the OTC-BB (symbol CRCUF).  The Company�s principle asset is its 100% interest in the 1.3 million oz New Polaris gold deposit located in northwestern British Columbia.  Major shareholders include Barrick Gold Corp. and Echo Bay Mines Ltd.



Bradford J. Cooke

President and CEO

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